Code of Conduct

Dr. Eberle Clever Chemistry GmbH is committed to highest standards of social, ethical and environmental responsibility. Dr. Eberle Clever Chemistry GmbH demands from all its suppliers and business partners to operate in full compliance to the principles of this Code of Conduct.


§1 Laws and Regulations

Dr. Eberle Clever Chemistry GmbH including all suppliers and business partners comply to all international, national and local legislation, permissions and regulations which are applicable to their respective business.


§2 Communication

The content of this Code of Conduct is provided to all employees and sub-contractors.


§3 Confidentiality

All information provided by Dr. Eberle Clever Chemistry GmbH is considered as confidential and must not be shared with any third party. Intellectual property rights and customer information is safeguarded at any time and protected in all conscience.


§4 Forced Labour

Any kind of forced labour including prisoners, slavery, involuntary work or work under the threat of penalty is not accepted.


§5 Child Labour

Any kind of child labour is not accepted. Full compliance to convention 138 (minimum age) and convention 182 (worst forms of child labour) of the international labour organization is guaranteed.


§6 Discrimination

All employees are treated with respect. Professional evaluations exclusively take place according to the respective skills and qualifications of the employee. Compliance with the national legislation and regulations for anti-discrimination.     


§7 Working Hours

Dr. Eberle Clever Chemistry GmbH, including all suppliers and business partners do not force their employees to work excessive time and work according to the respective national legislation and regulations. All overtime work is compensated in line with the national legislation.  


§8 Compensation

Salaries including compensation of overtime have to comply at least with the level of the national legislation and regulations.


§9 Health and Safety

A work environment is provided which aims to avoid any injury or accident. The minimum requirement are the respective national legislation and regulations.     


§10 Environment

Compliance with all national environmental legislation and regulations.