bating enzyme
Chemical composition
ammonium salt-free blend of pancreatic enzymes with proteolytic and lipolytic activity
750 LVU +/- 10 %
light brown powder
pH - value (1:10)
5.5 - 8.0
added undissolved
Field of application
Bating formulation of enzymes for all kinds of leathers.
Purgazym 075 KNF is added undissolved. Application takes place after pre-deliming with a lime blast dissolving deliming agent (for example Purgamin GSB or Purgamin ANF). Bating temperature should be between 28 °C and 35 °C. Lime dispersion can be improved by adding 0.2 % - 0.3 % Neopalin T 106 into the liming bath.
Purgazym 075 KNF
0.60 % - 1.20 %
bating time 30-60 minutes
Purgazym 075 KNF
1.10 % - 1.80 %
bating time 40-60 minutes
Purgazym 075 KNF
1.10 % - 2.10 %
bating time 40-90 minutes
Purgazym 075 KNF
0.50 % - 0.70 %
bating time 30-45 minutes
Sole leather
Purgazym 075 KNF
0.15 % - 0.30 %
bating time 40-90 minutes
Garment goat
Purgazym 075 KNF
1.70 % - 2.90 %
bating time 120-180 minutes
Gloving lamb
Purgazym 075 KNF
1.20 % - 2.50 %
bating time 180-240 minutes
Pig skin suede
Purgazym 075 KNF
1.70 % - 2.90 %
bating time 120-180 minutes
Purgazym 075 KNF
1.70 % - 2.90 %
bating time 120-180 minutes
Purgazym 075 KNF
1.40 % - 2.50 %
bating time 40-90 minutes
Purgazym 075 KNF
1.40 % - 2.50 %
bating time 40-90 minutes
Purgazym 075 KNF is a technical product and variations in colour can happen. The properties for application are not touched by this.
Storage temperature
Storage at temperatures between 5 °C and 40 °C.
Shelf life
Up to 12 months in the original sealed packing. There is no loss of activity over this period.
Storage under dry conditions and protected from sun. Humidity and high temperatures may reduce activity gradually and lead to a higher dosage requirement.
This information and our technical advice - whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials - are given in good faith but without warranty, and this also applies where proprietary rights of third parties are involved. Our advice does not release you from the obligation to check its validity and to test our products as to their suitability for the intended processes and uses. The application, use and processing of our products and the products manufactured by you on the basis of our technical advice are beyond our control and, therefore, entirely your own responsibility. Our products are sold in accordance with our General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.